Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Bonus blog: Monday, December 10, 2012

1.      Go to the section of the store where you typically buy granola/snack bars.
a.       Take pics and make notes (or take a video!) explaining what brands/items stand out here and catch your eye.  Why do these items catch your eye?
Kellogg and Quaker stand out to me first and foremost because I know they are "tried and true" brands.  Plus, I have tasted their granola bars (and eat them often), so I know firsthand they are delicious!

Here is an overview of the granola bar aisle---I also am drawn to the Kashi granola bars, as I love the Kashi brand, esp their granola bars.

b.      Now, think about how you typically shop this section of the store.  What are all the criteria you use to make your decisions?  Consider the role of brand name, flavor, ingredient, nutritional values, price, packaging—and then jot down notes to yourself that very specifically explain how you choose items in this section.

I pick up a box if I am interested, check the brnd and flavor, then look at the ingredients and nutritional information.  If I am not happy with the ingredients or nutritional information (like there is too much salt or sugar), then I put the  box away and walk away.  If the item makes it through those initial hurdles, then I look at the price.  I don't care so much about packaging- it's mostly about what's in there and how much it is.

c.       Which items do you compare in-store and how you compare them?   Do you look at the front of the packages—what are you looking for?  Do you turn the packages around and look at the back? What are you looking for?

Yes, I always compare nutritional information (which has less fat?  which has more protein? which has lower sugar and/or sodium?) as well as the ingredients.  Sometimes that is a big deal breaker for me if I am trying to make a decision.

a.       If you were going to buy a NEW item today, what would it be?  Take a pic.  Why would like to try this?  Who would it be for and why?

Quaker yogurt granola bars- it looks yummy!  I checked the nutritional information as well as the ingredients, and they both get the green light!  It would be for my daughter and I- my husband would not be interested in this.

Or maybe I would purchase this:

The Quaker Chewy Dips- looks delicious!  I looked at the nutritional information and the ingredients, and believe it or not, they are healthy!  The price is right, too. :)

d.      Which items do you see here that are NOT for you/your family?  Take a pic.  Why not?

I would never buy this sugary garbage, that has absolutely no nutritional value.  I know not to be taken in by the pretty package!

2.      Now, go to the section of the store where you find ready-to-eat healthy/all family cereal and oatmeal.
a.       Take pics and make notes (or take a video!) explaining what brands/items stand out here and catch your eye.  Why do these items catch your eye?
Quaker Oats is a great quick breakfast- and it's healthy!  It's a product we always have in the house, so it tends to catch my eye right away.

I also love all Kashi cereals- esp Heart to Heart (my daughter calls it Heart to Cirlce!)  So this type of Kashi also immediately catches my eye.

c.       If you were going to buy a NEW item from this section today, what would it be?  Take a pic.  Why would like to try this?
Looks yummy and good---and I have never had hemp granola in my life!  Hemp is supposed to be very healthy for you.

Great price!  Love Hodgson Mill cereal!   Love steel cut oats!  great combination of all three!

Oat revolution- never seen this product before- looks interesting.  I would look at it to see the difference between this brand and Quaker Oats.
b.      IF YOU REGULARLY SHOP THIS SECTION:  What are the criteria you use to buy ready-to-eat healthy/all family cereal and oatmeal?  Jot down notes to yourself that very specifically explain how you choose items in this section.
*Is it low fat?
*Is it low sugar?
*Healthy ingredients?
*Organic products are a plus.
*Nutritional ingredients?
      After you get home, create a blog about your experience using your notes and photos/visuals.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Focus on Snacking!

1.      Pull out all the possible items you have at home to choose from for snacking.  Take a group pic.

Picture includes: string cheese (low-fat); bananas, nonfat yogurt; raisins; carrots; and assorted granola bars.

2.      Overall, what’s working well for you/your family in terms of snacking?  For you?  For your kids?

We try to eat healthty, but once in a while we need to have a special treat!  Notice there are no cookies, chips, or anything really unhealthy here.  We do not have anything like that in the house.

3.      What/when are the pain points of snacking? 

Sometimes you eat too much as a snack, and then you feel guilty, PLUS then you have no room for the next meal!

4.      Then, for EACH snacking item, take a close-up picture and answer the following questions:

a.       Why did you decide to buy this?  We eat tons of fruits and vegetables for snacks.  Illustrated are just some examples- baby carrots (so they already cut up, washed, and you can eat them out of the bag with no preparation time) and a banana.  (And hence, my daughter eating a banana as a snack happily.)
b.      What makes you believe in it?  You can't do much better than eating fruits and vegetables as a snack!  (Except if maybe they were organic.)
c.       Who eats it in your household?  My daughter and I- I've stopped trying to make my husband eat them.
d.      What specific occasion/s it is best for?  Any and all!
e.       What does it do BETTER than other snacking options?  Why is that important?  Fruits and vegetables (esp. the brightly colored ones) are basically the best snack food you can eat.
f.        What is it NOT good at?  Sometimes they get boring, and they do not entirely fill you up.
g.       What benefits—physical AND emotional—does this item provide?  The idea that you are eating well while satisfying a craving for food!
h.      What you would eat/serve if this was no longer available?  Other fruits and vegetables!

a.       Why did you decide to buy this?

My daughter had it at my sister-in-law's house and absolutely fell in love with it!  I buy low-fat. so we can eat it as a snack and still have room for dinner.
b.      What makes you believe in it?
I carefully read the nutritional information before I bought it, so I know it is okay for us to eat.
c.       Who eats it in your household?
My daughter and I.
d.      What specific occasion/s it is best for?
For everything---esp. if you are slightly hungry and just need a snack!
e.       What does it do BETTER than other snacking options?  Why is that important?
It is string cheese, so you can slowly peel it off and eat it.  That way, it lasts longer than a lot of other snacks.  Plus, it is fun to eat!
f.        What is it NOT good at?
Satsifying an urge for salt a/o sugar!
g.       What benefits—physical AND emotional—does this item provide?  Part of your dairy nutritional requirements.
h.      What you would eat/serve if this was no longer available?  Another type of string cheese.

a.       Why did you decide to buy this?  Because my previous type of yougurt (organic- Horizon) stopped being available in this size container.  (Horizon stopped making this size of yogurt packaging- I called the company and complained, to no avail.)  I tried different types of premium nonfat yogurt, and finally found Cascade Fresh, which comes in a variety of flavors.  The only difference is that Cascade Fresh is not organic.
b.      What makes you believe in it?  I read the ingredients, plus the flavors are delicious!
c.       Who eats it in your household?  My daughter and I (are you sensing a pattern here???)
d.      What specific occasion/s it is best for?  All of the time!  We generally eat one a day as a snack.
e.       What does it do BETTER than other snacking options?  Why is that important?  Provides essential dairy nutrients.
f.        What is it NOT good at?  Tasting like chocolate (ha ha)!
g.       What benefits—physical AND emotional—does this item provide?  The emotional peace of mind of knowing that you are eating something satisfying while satiating your hunger.
h.      What you would eat/serve if this was no longer available?  Another type of yogurt.

a.       Why did you decide to buy this?  I was looking around in the grocery store for an alternative snack food, and found raisins, which my daughter and I both love.
b.      What makes you believe in it?  Who doesn't believe in raisins, such a tried and true snack?
c.       Who eats it in your household?  My daughter and I and sometimes our cat!
d.      What specific occasion/s it is best for?  For every day snacking pleasure.
e.       What does it do BETTER than other snacking options?  Why is that important?  You can eat as much or as little as you would like, as they are small pieces.
f.        What is it NOT good at?  They do not always fill you up.
g.       What benefits—physical AND emotional—does this item provide?  Vitamin C, etc.
h.      What you would eat/serve if this was no longer available?  Another type of dried fruit.

a.       Why did you decide to buy this?  I think I got some granola bar at a kid's b-day party in a goody bag.  I realized they made great snacks.
b.      What makes you believe in it?  I know these granola bars have all natural ingredients.
c.       Who eats it in your household?  My daughter and I.
d.      What specific occasion/s it is best for?  Anytime- day or night.
e.       What does it do BETTER than other snacking options?  Why is that important?  They provide some fun good (like chocolate) but also provide nutritional ingredients.
f.        What is it NOT good at?  Sometimes they are too sweet.
g.       What benefits—physical AND emotional—does this item provide?  Peace of mind knowing that you are eating something healthy. 
h.      What you would eat/serve if this was no longer available?  Probably a different type of granola bar.

5.      As you look at all these snacking items, what’s missing?  What would improve your snacking options?

I think these snacks run of gamut of healthy options, so I don't really see anything that's missing that's healthy.  Maybe nuts?  But then I worry about the fat content.  If you can seen anything that would improve my snacking options, please tell me, because I would love to know!  Thanks.

As always and yours in healthy eating while snacking,


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December 5, 2012

1.       What does energy mean to you?  Is all energy created equal, or are their different types?  Which one/s are most important?  Please explain your answer.

Energy means getting through my day without feeling exhausted- and doing everything that I  need to do in a day.  This includes, but is not limited to: taking my daughter to school, getting to work on time, working all day nonstop, running out at lunchtime to do errands, like going grocery shopping, leaving work at a normal hour and going to the health club, getting home prior to 7.30 pm from working out, and making dinner, hanging out with my husband and daughter, getting ready for the next day, and reading in bed before I go to bed!  Sometimes it is exhausting to get through the day, and I don't know how I am going to make it through.  Othertimes, like today, I sail through the day, AND went to Costco AND Home Depot, and worked out!  (And went shopping for myself in between work and going to the gym---and worked all day!!!)  I am not even tired now, but I am sure I will be exhausted tomorrow.

2.       How much—or little—do you think about your own energy level throughout the day?  When do you think about it most, and why?  What, if anything, do you do to manage your energy level?  Please be specific.

If I am so, so, so tired during the day, then I think about my lack of energy.  Sometimes at breakfast, if I know I am tired, or have to do a lot to get through the day, I think about what I can do to bolster my energy level right at breakfast.  Then, I break out the green tea, and then I am set for the day!  :)

3.       How much—or little—do you think about your child/ren’s energy level throughout the day?  When do you think about it most, and why?  What, if anything, do you do to manage THEIR energy level?  Please be specific.

My six year old daughter generally has a lot of energy.  She loves, loves, loves her school, and her friends and teachers who are there with her.  She may wake up tired and saying, "I am so tired; I don't want to go to school today."  But once we get her in the swing of things she is all set for the day!  So no, I generally do not think about her energy level too much.  She eats really well, and her teachers know that she is not to have hardly any sugar (no dietary restrictions, just that we eat extremely healthy.)

4.       You’ve heard the phrase, “Food is fuel.” How does what you eat connect with your energy level?  Please provide some specific real-world examples.

I try to eat as many fruits and vegetables during the day.  I notice if I am dragging and have an apple, for example, a little while later, i feel better!  In contrast, eating jelly beans, as yummy as they are, do not have much of a lasting effect for me, and I end up feeling guilty and still unsatisfied.  Thus, I try to stick with lots of fruits and vegetables!

5.       What are the benefits of having a high-energy day?  Choose an image or two from the Internet that captures what a high-energy day looks/feels like.  Then give me some real-life examples of this for you/your child/ren.  What kinds of things are possible when you have high levels of energy?

I do pilates, and my daughter does yoga!  We both feel like we have more energy when we exercise, like doing pilates/yoga.  I wanted my daughter to learn about the importance of exercising early, so we signed her up for yoga at her school.  She loves it, and says it gives her extra energy!  The cute thing is last Saturday I took her to my health club to show her around.  She went over to the exercise mats, and started showing me her "moves."  People working out there were very impressed!  I want her to know how so many things are possible through out the day when you have high levels of energy.  You can maximize your energy levels both when you exercise (like through yoga or pilates), and when you eat well.

6.       What are the consequences of having a low-energy day?  Choose an image or two from the Internet that captures what a low-energy day looks/feels like.  Then give me some real-life examples of this for you/your child/ren.  What kinds of things does having low-energy affect?

  The consequences of having a low energy day is when you are exhausted, and it is literally painful to get through the day.  For example, we went to South Carolina over Thanksgiving to visit my parents.  We did many things there, and then flew back to Chicago the next day after Thanksgiving, that evening.  I had no time to relax over the weekend, and I had to go back to work the following Monday.  Last week, I was exhausted, crabby, and did not feel like I had much time off to just hang out and rejuvenate my self/my body.  I dragged all week, and by Friday, I knew there was no way I could go to work---I was just too exhausted.  I called in sick, slept, read in bed, rested, and just breathed without having to account to anyone for the day.  This past Monday I was back at work and felt great!  I have had a much better week so far.  All because I  recognized I had low energy, took some time to myself to rest and gain back some energy, so I could move forward with everything I am expected to do all day long!

7.       When is having energy most important to you?  Why?  When is having energy most important to your kids?  Why?

I need energy because I have a lot of committments.  I am the primary bread winner in the family, PLUS I handle all of the grocery shopping, and do 500+ things in addition every single day.  Plus, I have a famly I love being with, and if I am exhausted, then I cannot maximixe my time with them!

My child needs energy because she too has a lot of things she wants to do each day---in addition to going to school!  Plus, if she has low energy, then she is generally crabby and not the most fun to be around.  Then, we ask ,"What happened to good Chloe?  Where is fun Chloe?"  So, if she does not have high energy, then it is not pleasant for any of us.  :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

  1. Please introduce yourself!  Post a picture or two and write a paragraph about yourself first, separate from your mom-ness!  Tell me about your work, activities, your passions, etc.—include anything you think I should know about you.
Here is a little about me:
My work: I joined The Chicago Lighthouse in 2004 and am currently Vice President of Development for Individual & Planned Giving.  Since that time, I have worked extensively with donors who are interested in remembering The Lighthouse in their estate plan (will and/or trust).  I also oversee estates and trusts where The Lighthouse has been named a beneficiary to ensure that the administration is carried out in a fiscally responsible manner.  In addition, I have also worked with donors and friends of The Lighthouse who are interested in helping support The Lighthouse now.  I was appointed as the Vice President of Development from Director of Development for Individual and Planned Giving in 2012.

Prior to joining The Chicago Lighthouse, I worked in two downtown Chicago law firms as an associate attorney.  I focused in estate planning, estate administration, and tax matters. I frequently dealt with the IRS on behalf of clients.  I helped represent one client who allegedly owed over $35 million to the IRS.  I successfully helped settle that case for under $5 million.

I also was an adjunct law professor at two Chicago law schools.  I taught Legal Research and Writing and an Estate Planning and Estate Administration course.  Most recently, I was a Clinical Assistant Professor of Law at Northwestern Law School, where she taught first year law students legal research and writing.  Finally, I have over eleven year’s experience teaching writing, literature, and law to college and community college students.  I taught at Columbia College in Chicago for over six years at night while working as an attorney during the day.

I have undergraduate degrees in English and Political Science from the University of Rochester in Rochester, New York.  I graduated cum laude with Honors in English.  While in college, I studied abroad in London, where I took classes at the University of London and worked for a solicitor’s office as a legal intern.  I also have a Masters in English from the University of South Dakota.  In addition, I have a J.D. and a Proficiency in Taxation Certificate from Washburn University School of Law.  Finally, I have an LL.M. in Taxation from the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law.  While obtaining her LL.M., I worked alongside a law school professor to revise his Missouri Probate Law treatise for a new edition. 

Do I have time for anything else in my life!  Yes!  Here is my Pinterest page, so you can see a little of what I do in my free time:


I also read quite a bit, work out, go shopping, hang out with friends, try some of the newest restaurants Chicago has to offer (but try to always eat healthy), and eat breakfast every morning religiously!!!

  1. Now, I want to meet “The Fam”!  Upload photos of your family including your children—not just portraits, but pictures that show me what you guys are into, how you spend your time together.  Choose some of your favorites.  What are three words   you would use to describe your family’s life and what you love about it?

    My daughter, Chloe, age six, with some of her Halloween candy!  We donated it at the dentist's office, where it was sent overseas to troops serving our country abroad.  My little girl was a ballerina for Halloween!

    In Florida this past winter.

    My cat, Minne, and me.  She eats everything in sight: plastic bags with any kind of food on it, fish food, and olive oil that splattered on the floor!  Needless to say, apparently, we do not give her enough cat food.

    The three of us together celebrating for Chloe's sixth birthday this past spring.

    Steve (my husband) and Chloe kayaking in Florida.  I was in the other canoe taking the picture!

    Steve and Chloe on her first day of first grade this August.

    Three words to describe our family's life: hectic, fun, and never a dull moment!  I think you can get a sense of our life from these pictures-we don't usually sit around and just do nothing!  Always too much to do- either in the house or around Chicago.

    1. How would you describe your role as a mom?  Fill in the blank:  “I’m the ___organizer______________ of my family”.   Blog about your parenting style—what do you think makes your approach to parenting unique or special?   Be specific.  It could be big things or small things. 
You name it; I do it all, besides working full time!  I do all of the grocery shipping, I clean, I organize play dates for my daughter and activities, and arrange for a babysitter to come over, so that my husband and I can spend a little time together- just us.

I am relaxed and laid back when it comes to parenting.  For example, my husband was upset last week because our little girl ripped the knee of her favorite pair of pants.  He called me at work to tell me of the crisis (but it had been a bad day for him).  These pants are no longer being made, and they are the greatest pants ever!  I can sew, a little, and there happens to be a great fabric store near where I work. 

I said not to worry---I looked at the pants, and they needed more than just to be sewn--they needed a patch in the knee.  So, I went to the fabric store at lunchtime one day recently (as well as going grocery shopping!), and bought a darling flower patch for 75 cents.  (My little girl had already instructed me it needed to be pink AND purple.)  I sewed it on that night, and voila!  Pants were fixed, and the patch looked great.  My little girl wore them to school on Monday, and her friend said, "Cute patch, Chloe!!!" Problem fixed for 75 cents without any loss of sleep.  That's a great example of my approach to parenting.

    1. With all that you have going on in your life, what are the moments during your day/week when you feel most proud of yourself?  It could be a big thing and/or just a little moment.  Please be as detailed and specific as possible about these times and why you feel the way that you do.  Post a picture or two of what is happening when you have a proud moment.
I am most proud of myself when I break away and work out at the gym.  I do this after work, before going home, a few times a week.  I can't do it when I leave work too late, or when the traffic is too bad, or when I am too tired.  But I always have my gym bag in my car, just in case!  After I work out, I feel so good, like I am doing something for myself---physically and emotionally.

My litttle girl has a blue betta fish named Fluffy, who is a very delightful fish.  Sometimes he gets really happy in his bowl and swims circles around excitedly!  You can tell he is having the time of his life.  You can equate the happy and jubilant feeling I get after working out to my daughter's fish when he is so happy swimming around in his bowl:

    1. Now, I want to understand the moments during your day/week when you feel most proud of you child/ren.  Again, it could be big and/or small stuff that makes you feel proud.  Please be as detailed and specific as possible about these times and why you feel the way that you do.  Post a picture or two of what is happening when you feel proud of your kid/s.
When my little cutie pie does something so silly out of the blue, and it is just so funny!  I look at her and think, "This is my daughter, and she is amazing!"

    Here is a picture of my daughter at the beach in South Carolina over Thanksgiving, a few weeks ago.  Clearly, she is having the time of her life, while being extremely silly!

    Here is "Super Chloe"  (her idea)---with a shirt on her head!  When she is "Super Chloe," she runs around with something on her head or as a cape, and says..."here is Super Chloe!!!"  In this picture, I was able to capture her in the act of becoming SuperChloe.

  1. Last task of the day:  Choose an image from the Internet that captures what it’s like to be a modern-day mom; explain why you chose it and how you FEEL about being one.

Here is a picture of classy, modern, shoe designer of the moment Christian Louboutin shoes (the shoes with the red bottoms).  I do not have these exact shoes, but I have others by him that I love to wear to work.  These lovely shoes demonstrate that you can be a mom, yet be fashionable, have flair, and still be in vogue, while raising a child and working full-time!  ;)